Hey, welcome to my blog! I am Evenly (pronounced Heavenly, without the H). I am a woman of God, wife to the most loving husband, and mother to 2 amazing boys. Most pertinent for this platform; I am a Nurse, Health Promoter, Wellness Educator, Coach and all-around LOVER of people!

Taking care of the sick for the last 10 plus years is one of the most fulfilling roles I have had the pleasure to do! I value the science and skills of nursing but it was the life lessons that I gained from talking with patients about their backgrounds, needs, and goals of care that inspired me to became a certified Whole Health Educator and Coach. This gained education has further inspired me to take care of myself, my family and every life I come into contact with. And now I am ready to take this education to a new platform.
But before we get to that, let me share where this all started…
There was something I always loved about journaling. I’ve done it since the age of about 13 and I still have about 5 journals that I love to go back and skim through occasionally. Fast forward to about 15 years later when I shared my nursing vision with two amazing women of God (Minister Thalia Hughes and Pastor Denise Lang) that challenged me to start a blog in preparation for my overall wellness vision. At the time, it only made since to combine my love for writing with my love for health promotion. But apprehension and fear to share my personal thoughts with the world stopped me in my tracks longer than I anticipated. I’ve had many experiences since these moments in time that showed me there is a need in my community for more health promotion and education.
As a registered nurse starting my career in the inner city, I saw on a daily basis the reality of the state of health in our community and across the US. I've seen lives afflicted by numerous diseases that could have been preventable, curable and/or manageable. A few of the most prominent are:
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
heart disease
some cancers
As an oncology (cancer) nurse I have also seen the rising incidence of cancer plaguing individuals and their families. There are known carcinogens; risk factors that increase the chances of cancer development. Unfortunately, we are not able to prevent every negative "thing" that comes into our immediate environment but we can take some control by decreasing the frequency and amount of such products. We can also help our body by being in the best shape possible so that if the unfortunate circumstances of disease comes about we have a better chance of fighting off such diseases.
Wellness is about your whole being. Through my blog, I will be sharing topics about your physical, mental, emotional, environmental and spiritual health. My goal is to share information and tips on how to make healthier lifestyle choices to aid in moving into a better state of whole body health. My hope is that this will produce conversations and eventual change to your personal well-being.

I am inspired to live my life as organically as I can all while enjoying it and pray the same for you. While one thing may work for me, I am aware that everyone must choose what works best for them. I am looking forward to this new chapter and excited to see how God will use me to continue to educate, inspire, and uplift His people.
I have also seen the effects of years of unaddressed complexities such as stress, obesity, inadequate sleep, poor diet and lack of physical activity that can lead to a complex symptoms and disease processes.
Lastly, when I factor in this new decade (2020) and the biggest milestone of them all: the unfortunate events of COVID 19 and resulting health issues; I would say the time is now and well overdue for me to share with the world.
Let's go on a journey of health and healing by developing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle one small change at a time.
One lifestyle change can be a WHOLE world of a difference for your body.
Hope you enjoy!
