Health is needed to sustain life. The science of staying healthy is helping the body function at its best and maintaining balance. Some ways we try to help our body stay on track or get on track is by:
Getting an annual physical with our primary doctor
Getting a bi-annual dental cleaning and exam
Yearly screenings based on our age, personal history and family history
Daily physically activity
A balanced diet of whole foods
But it is evident through the vast majority of those affected by lifestyle related chronic diseases that a yearly exam, occasional health seminar or community health fair may not be enough to maintain health long term. This may be because of overindulgence, lack of physical activity, high levels of stress, lack of sleep, high amounts of caffeine or alcohol and environmental toxins that are popular in today's society. We know what we should be doing but its hard for us to "just do it".
Have you asked yourself, "What else can I do to get my health on track"?
You may be saying how can I get off this rollercoaster ride of extreme highs and extreme lows with my diet and activity choices. Yes, rollercoasters are enjoyable but if you stay on this ride too long I'm sure it won't be as fun to be moving at this fast pace, up, down and through loops nonstop. At some point you will get dizzy and your body tired of being jostled around. The same can be said about fad diets and extreme workouts to loose pounds fast. After a while, it becomes harder and harder to maintain this sudden change on your body and you revert back to what you know and what is comfortable.

So, you must be thinking; how can I get off this rollercoaster and get on more of a merry go round type of ride. A slower pace yet still enjoyable ride that your body is able to take for longer periods of time because it puts less stress and strain on the body. It is more tolerable, won't burn you out and easier to maintain. Both rides have different goals and outcomes but after acknowledging that you desire more of a long term result you can see the benefits of a slower moving ride. The merry go round represents small lifestyle changes over time because of its steady and consistent pace. These small changes can be addressed through one on one health education and coaching that produces long term changes.

What is Whole Health Education ®?
Whole Health Education ® opens the door for you to become knowledgeable about your health and stay well. It provides an understanding of how everything in your body and your life is connected. This connection move’s you to staying continuously educated about the things that affect you negatively and positively.
What is Coaching?
According to Webster's dictionary, a life coach can be an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems. One of the best decisions I made last year was to sign up with an empowerment coach. I not only wanted to get coached before I coached others but I also recognized that I needed personalized one on one help to aid me in reaching my business goals. I have had a vision to promote health for 10+ years but knew I needed help to put systems in place to move forward with this vision. And now I know for a fact, that I wouldn't be where I am today without the benefits and techniques she provided to me bi-monthly as my own personal coach.
What is Heavenly’s Wellness Cove Health Education & Coaching Services?
Heavenly's Wellness uses a unique education based and behavioral health change concept that focuses on individualized whole body health; a model developed and researched by the National Institute of Whole Health.
As a licensed Registered Nurse, certified Whole Health Educator™ & Health Coach it is my mission is to educate and coach clients on preventative and manageable lifestyle modifiable disease processes. To also address years of complexities that negatively affect the body such as stress, obesity, inadequate sleep, poor diet and lack of physical activity that can lead to complex symptoms and disease processes.
Through education and coaching services, it is my goal to share information and tips on how to make healthier lifestyle choices to aid in moving into a better state of health.
In addition to the education provided, the foundation of the sessions is grounded in Behavioral Engagement Pure Presence ®. This setting allows each client to experience a fully present facilitator that places them in the driver’s seat of their own health recovery.

Heavenlys Wellness Cove Approach?
I begin with an in-depth initial interview session. This includes a discussion about the clients personal and family background information relating to their current health concerns. I also go on a whole body exploration of the 5 aspects of health™; this includes physical, emotional, environmental, nutritional and spiritual health.
I then provide clients with evidence based information and education to help improve their health status and prevent disease processes through self-directed, sustainable lifestyle choices.
Throughout this process individualized one-on-one motivational health coaching, goal setting and health advocacy support is offered.
Follow up weekly sessions assess and evaluate clients' response to services provided and tailor the following sessions to fit specific client needs.
Wellness is about your whole being. I would love to provide you with an understanding of the how and why of proper functioning of your body and/or your condition. You can then decide what changes you are willing to make to improve your health status. This may even include preventing further progression of your health concerns. My hope is that this will produce conversations about your personal well-being.

Let's go on a journey of health and healing by developing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Feel free to fill out the contact form to explore options to begin 1:1 hour-long weekly or bi-weekly conversations via video chat with Heavenly's Wellness Health Education & Coaching Services.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Evenly Lewis RN BSN OCN WHE
Registered Nurse Certified Whole Health Educator™, Health Coach & Patient Advocate
*Whole Health Educator™ and the 5 Aspects of Whole Health™ are trademarks of the National Institute of Whole Health. Behavioral Engagement Pure Presence ® and Whole Health Education ® is a registered trademark of the National Institute of Whole Health.